Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Cache of (Nerdly) Jewels!

As a fervent nerd, I have a secret love of collective are some splendidly ridiculous ones:

1. An implausibility of gnus
2. A murmuration of starlings
3. A rabble of butterflies
4. A nuisance of cats
5. A cartload of chimpanzees
6. A piteousness of doves
7. A business of ferrets
8. A prickle of hedgehogs
9. A bloat of hippopotomi
10. A smack of jellyfish
11. A parliament of owls
12. An ostentation of peacocks
13. A deceit of lapwings
14. A rhumba of rattlesnakes
15. An unkindness of ravens
16. A storytelling of rooks
17. A shiver of sharks
18. An ambush of tigers
19. A sneak of weasels
20. A plump of wildfowl


Olive said...

I love that book so much!! I totally forgot about it until now and just looking at the cover brings back SO many smells and sounds from the 12th east house and how it made me feel when I looked at the pictures:)) By the way, did you happen to remember the name of my Griffin in the 12th east house???

Veritas said...

a murder of crows!